First, You must understand that Facebook, Google, and other social networks are like any business. They need to make money to grow their companies, pay their bills, infrastructures, operating costs, employees, etc.
But unlike most business, They are in the freemium business of providing the best users experience for FREE and only make their money through advertising. Thus it is of utmost importance that their end-users love using their products/services and will continue to do so, regularly.
The Business of an Advertising Company like Facebook is to:
- Ensure Users Love Using Facebook Frequently.
- Display Engaging Content and Ads catered to the users’ preferences and interests – Giving the users more of what they want.
- Help Advertisers make money so that they will continue advertising with them But…
“More Affiliates Advertising Is Not A Good Thing…”
Do they hate Affiliates?
As they are making money through advertising, wouldn’t it be a good thing that more affiliates are paying them to advertise? So why would they hate affiliates you asked…?
Affiliates Advertising Are Destroying Their Advertisements Ecosystem if left uncontrolled… Simply imagine if they are accepting all affiliates ads, what do you think will happened?
You would probably see the same ads over and over again after every few posts even if they belong to different affiliates. Or worse, different ads and all the ads linking to the same product or service. How would you feel as the end-user?
And when everyone is advertising to the same product or service, the cost of the ad will increase too (Supply & Demand Dynamics) – Highest Bidder Wins.
But when the ad cost increases further, some advertisers including the product or service owners themselves would have to give up as it is no longer profitable for them to run the ads, which is why some owners forbid paid advertising bids of their keywords.
Worst case, all the advertisers moving off to other platforms… And they would lose their source of income.
“Viewing of Ads is also an important aspect of User Experience”
Thus, having the right quantity balance of ads and content is a dedicated design of the system. And quality-wise, matching users’ areas of interest to the appropriate content and ads.
There will always be people who try to “beat” the system aka cheat the algorithms… After all, due to the sheer amount of users and content, Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) or bots are set up with “a set of rules” to validate the ads and landing page, which could be easier to manipulate than a human.
If Facebook has Banned, Restricted, or Shut Down Your Ad Account…
Chances are you ran into their ad compliance policy issues that are automatically run by their algorithms. Many people are running ads on Facebook, so much so that it is their program that filters and validates your ad’s compliance instead of a human who will help you with reasonings.
After all, Facebook is an advertising agency, the biggest in fact, and is based in USA, they need to be in strict compliance with FTC laws on Advertising and Marketing On the Internet. So it would be better for them to err on the safe side at the expense of your inconvenience than to risk an FTC fine.
In short, all advertisers are not to create advertisements that are deceptive, misleading, or seemingly unfair acts or practices nature. So by law, it is Facebook’s obligation to ensure and review information used to substantiate ad claims, which could be near impossible to guarantee the proclaimed results such as the FTC’s video below:
So, if your ad contains a “claim” in the form of a promise or guarantee such as to make X amount of money or that your weight loss product is able to help them lose X amount of weight in Y number of days. All these are constituted as false advertising and would land Facebook in a lawsuit.
To overcome this, instead of promising what your product can do for potential buyers, you can approach from the angle of telling your story of how the product helped you achieve a certain result.
Use a Story Instead of a Promise.
A story is an experience, thus nobody can “disagree” with it, but on the other hand, a promise could turn out to be a lie or scam. And Facebook wouldn’t want to be regarded as an accomplice for the crime. Thus if you are in the Wealth or Health industry, thread with extra caution in your advertising.
As such, companies like ClickFunnels would use a disclaimer (see below) when a claim is being mentioned in their video:

Also, refrain from targeting a group of people with certain characteristics or “events” in their life as they would feel that their privacy is being compromised by Facebook. For example, a couple just had a newborn and somehow start getting baby product advertisements. Related News: Facebook’s $5 Billion Penalty for Violating Consumers’ Privacy in 2019.
Lastly, it is strongly recommended to have your own custom domain if your ad promotion is linking to your Sales Funnel company. Without a custom domain, it will be linked to example or, etc which may be misunderstood as an affiliate link, and get your ad rejected.
Facebook Ad Disapproved? Ad Account Disabled?
If It happened, don’t panic. You can still appeal. But before you appeal, make sure you have corrected any outstanding issues.
For more information on Facebook Advertising Compliance, we link you to Facebook Ads Policy on Multilevel Marketing, and why we link you to the multilevel marketing is because business models offering quick compensation for little investment are included in this section.
We call this Multilevel Profits as affiliates fall into this category, where the Product Owner makes money from a sale, the Affiliate also gets paid too. Do explore the rest of the section if you are serious about Facebook Advertising and want your account to be in good standing.
So while you are entitled to advertise your product or service with Facebook. You are required to declare a disassociation from them (11. Use of Our Brand Assets) with a disclaimer (usually at the footer of your landing page) such as the following:
“This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.”
Other Common Facebook Advertising Policies Prohibited Content Violations:
19. Personal Health – Avoid “Before-and-After” images
23. Misleading Claims – “Too Good To Be True for General Public?”
28. Circumventing Systems – “A New Account Doesn’t Make It Okay”
One of the violations in Circumventing Systems is “Restrict Facebook’s access to an ad’s destination page”, which could also be interpreted as having a Squeeze Page that blocks what your ad promised. Read more here:
Bottomline. It’s Still About Money…
How much advertising are you paying for Facebook or any other platform to take you seriously?
Imagine a client who pays you $10 a day for advertising versus someone paying you hundreds or thousands, who would you treat better? Who would you take care of more? Who would be your priority? Especially when both clients are having similar issues with your platform?
Having a smaller advertising budget may increase your risk of being unforgivingly “dropped” by the advertising platform, especially on FB as it is an attention interrupt advertising medium. Do consider Organic Social Media Traffic first for starters.
P.S. Funnels Users and Clients are getting their ads blocked this week, maybe due to some bad advertising by some individuals, a bot can easily know the funnel that you are using. Or just maybe Russell Brunson’s prediction of the “FB Finger Snap” (inside joke) has happened…
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